
Parents and Guardians

Welcome to British Royal School! In our educational community, we deeply value our students and families. We offer a space where they can feel heard and supported. Here, we not only encourage them to pursue their dreams, but we also provide them with the tools and support they need to achieve.

We are committed to provide a warm and safe environment, where well-being and quality education are our biggest commitment, promoting both personal and academic growth. We are excited to begin this journey of holistic development alongside your children. Welcome to our amazing BRS family!

¿Dónde Comprar?


  • Caja de Útiles Escolares Carolina Labra Riquelme: 225846552
  • Venta de Útiles Escolares Andrea Chamorro (Infant School, Primary School, Middle School (hasta séptimo básico): Teléfono  +56 9 68453318
  • Venta de Útiles Escolares Vicky Barrera (Infant School, Primary School, Middle School (hasta 4to Básico): Teléfono +56 9 85274762


  • Fundación Carolina Labra Riquelme: 225846552
  • Uniforme Pamela Sartori: +56 9 98702094