Educational Stages

Infant School
Cycle Objectives
From a young age, our students are immersed in the world of bilingualism. With our international Early Years Curriculum IEYC, students develop an international mindedness that prepares them for a globalized world where English is undoubtedly a crucial asset for their future.Differentiators:
- Early mastery of English language
- Little Club (After School) from 13:00 to 17:00 hrs
- Autonomy
- International mindedness students
- Social development
- Self-regulation
- Formal initiation of schooling
- Aprendizaje en un entorno seguro
- Tiny: 2 years old by March 31st, 2025 • Full day from 8:00 am to 17:00 pm
- Playgroup: 3 years old by March 31st, 2025 • Morning session
- Pre-Kinder: 4 years old by March 31st, 2025 • Morning session
- Kinder: 5 years old by March 31st, 2025 • Morning session

Primary School
1° a 4° básico
En Primary School tenemos los grandes hitos de la formación inicial del estudiante: aprenden a leer, escribir, desarrollar amistades, entre otros, por lo que el ciclo de educación básica es fundamental. El liderazgo del profesor jefe es prioritario como ente facilitador del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El trabajo en equipo, el intercambio de conocimiento y experiencias fortalece el desarrollo integral de nuestros estudiantes.
- Teaching of the English Language
- Socioemotional Well-Being
- Academic Development
- Protocols and Support
- Protected Education and Safeguarding
- Psychoeducational Team
- 1° Básico: 6 años cumplidos al 31 de marzo de 2025.
- 2° a 4° Básico: Informe de notas parciales del año en curso.

Middle School
5° a 8° básico
En Middle School es un ciclo donde los énfasis está en el inglés, en el desarrollo y adquisición de habilidades para la rendición de examinación Cambridge, dotarlos de herramientas emocionales enfocadas a las necesidades de estas edades. Es un ciclo donde se trabaja mucho la prevención y orientación a una etapa más autónoma.
- Teaching of the English Language
- Socioemotional Well-Being
- Academic Development
- Protocols and Support
- Protected Education and Safeguarding
- Psychoeducational Team
- 5° a 8° Básico
Partial report card for the current year
Promotion certificate from the previous year

Senior School
En Senior School nuestros estudiantes solidifican sus habilidades, potencian sus intereses, autonomía y sentido de responsabilidad. Tienen una actitud más participativa, proactiva, por eso las actividades y enseñanza está pensada para sacar provecho a esas habilidades. Los acompañamos en su preparación también de educación superior PAES, SIMCE y prueba FCE que certifica el manejo óptimo de segunda lengua
- Strengthening of the English Language
- Preparation to Pass the Cambridge FCE Exam
- Oportunidades internacionales: Festival de Universidades Internacionales, Programas de Intercambio y de Experiencia Internacional Programa ILOS.
- Partial report card for the current year
- Certificate of conduct from the previous year
Admission Process
Ordinary Period:
March 1 – April 19
Extraordinary Period:
April 22 – December 31

Hello! I am Mariela, Director of the Admissions Team at BRS. I love connecting with families and sharing our passion for education. I know how important this decision is for you and I am here to make this process easy and personalized for you and your family.
At British Royal School, we offer an exceptional educational experience and we focuse on the care, learning, and well-being of your children. We are excited to show you everything our school has to offer and to have the opportunity to meet you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or need more information. I am here to help you on every step of this important process.
I look forward to meet and welcome you to our BRS family!
Mariela Parra
Director of Admissions
Requirements for Foreign Students
- National or provisional ID
- Birth certificate
Programa especial para deportistas de alto rendimiento
Admission Information
The applicant must meet the age requirements set by the current ministerial regulations. The priority criteria for the use of vacancies will be determined as follows:
- Applicants with siblings in the school.
- Children of alumni or school staff
- Re-enrollment of former students due to parental work relocation.
- Transfers of students between ISP schools
- New students.
Application Criteria
Infant School
This process involves participation in an activity called Skills Evaluation "Play Day," which can be massive or personalized. It is a brief school day where boys and girls engage in various playful activities such as free play, guided games, and group activities with various materials.
Prekínder y Kinder
Skills and competencies in the areas of autonomy, socio-emotional development, expressive and comprehensive language, and thinking development will be evaluated, with a diagnostic objective.
The information will be recorded through a checklist considering the following aspects:
- Following instructions.
- Sustained attention in activities.
- Establishing bonds with peers and adults in various activities.
- Adaptation and integration into the presented activities.
- Expressing needs, ideas, and emotions.
- Evaluation of skills in language, cognitive, body schema, and motor areas.
Junior and Senior School
- Elementary and Secondary Education:
Applicants will be evaluated in the subjects of language, mathematics, and English. The evaluated content will be the minimum required from the previous year.
- Admission for Foreign Students:
Request for provisional enrollment from the Ministry of Education.
National or provisional ID / Birth certificate or equivalent.
Report cards from the last year attended. - Special admission process for non-Spanish speaking students..
- Ordinary application period: From March 1st to May 31st, 2024.
- Extraordinary application period: From June 3rd to December 31st, 2024 (available vacancies).
- Continuous information period:Families interested in applying to our school can inquire about available vacancies for the current year, via phone, email, or Admission WhatsApp.
Results will be notified via email and published in the admission office within a maximum of 2 business days after the exam is taken.
Enrollment Process
Once the student's acceptance is informed, the guardian must complete the enrollment process within a maximum of 3 business days. After this period, the spot will be released for another applicant., se liberará el cupo para otro postulante.
- Tiny: Children aged 2 years by March 31st.
- Application Form. Download the admission form.
- Birth certificate of the applicant (enter here)..
- Play Group: Children aged 3 years by March 31st.
- Application Form. Download the admission form.
- Birth certificate of the applicant (enter here)..
- Pre Kinder: Children aged 4 years by March 31st.
- Kinder: Children aged 5 years by March 31st.
- Application Form. Download the admission form.
- Birth certificate of the applicant (enter here)..
- Skills evaluation fee (UF 1.5). * Reference value
- Aplication Form. Descargar Formulario de Admisión.
- Birth certificate (enter here)..
- Certificado de Promoción de año anterior (enter here)..
- Current year report card.
- Skills evaluation fee (UF 1.5). * Reference value
- Aplication Form. Descargar Formulario de Admisión.
- Birth certificate (enter here)..
- Promotion certificates from the last three (3) years (enter here). (enter here)..
- Current year report card.
- Personal interview with the Senior School Director (applies from 7th grade to 12th grade).
- Skills evaluation fee (UF 1,5) * Valor referencial
Check the 2025 Fees Here.